How to Use Insta360 Cameras for Stunning Time-Lapses

How to Use Insta360 Cameras for Stunning Time-Lapses

Time-lapse photography has become an extremely popular creative technique in recent years. By taking a series of photos over an extended period of time and stitching them together into a video, time-lapses can capture processes and events that normally unfold too slowly to observe. When done well, time-lapses can create mesmerizing videos that give a unique perspective on the world around us.

Insta360 cameras like the One X2 and One RS are uniquely well-suited for time-lapse photography. Their 360 degree lenses allow you to capture the entire world around the camera, giving a time-lapse a very immersive feel. The robust built-in time-lapse modes make setting up and shooting time-lapses very straightforward. And Insta360's best-in-class stabilization keeps the footage smooth even when capturing time-lapses of activities with lots of motion like driving or walking.

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know to capture stunning time-lapse videos with Insta360 cameras. From initial setup to editing and exporting, we'll walk through the end-to-end process. With the techniques in this guide, you'll be ready to create mesmerizing time-lapses that take full advantage of all that Insta360 cameras have to offer.

Picking the Right Insta360 Model

Insta360 offers a range of 360 cameras that can capture stunning time-lapses, each with their own unique features and specifications.

The Insta360 One X2 is one of the most popular and versatile models. It captures 5.7K 360 video and 18MP photos, has excellent image stabilization, and a compact, pocketable design. The One X2 is easy to use with intuitive controls. It's a great all-around option for 360 time-lapses.

For more professional use, the Insta360 Pro 2 has six lenses for capturing incredible 8K 3D 360 footage. It has advanced manual controls and live monitoring. The modular design allows custom rigs and accessories. The Pro 2 excels at high-quality cinematic time-lapses.

The Insta360 One R has interchangeable lens mods, including 4K dual-lens 360, 4K wide-angle, and 5.3K 1-inch sensor options. This flexibility lets you reconfigure the One R based on your shooting needs. It's a good choice for versatile time-lapse capture.

For aerial time-lapses, the Insta360 One RS can be paired with the invisible selfie stick and various drone mods. This allows unique top-down perspectives. The One RS also has great stabilization and a dual-lens 360 mod.

If budget is a concern, the Insta360 One X is an older model but can still capture quality 5.7K 360 footage. It lacks some newer features but is a good entry-level option.

Consider which Insta360 model aligns best with your time-lapse goals, use cases, and budget. All can produce stunning 360 time-lapse videos when set up properly. If you are interested in an affordable yet capable 360 camera, take a closer look at the Insta360 ONE X. Despite being an older model, it offers robust features that remain competitive, providing excellent value for anyone new to 360 video or working within a tighter budget.

Setting Up the Shot

When setting up your shot for a time-lapse, the composition and framing are extremely important. Here are some tips for composing great time-lapse shots with your Insta360 camera:

  • Think about foreground, midground, and background elements. Compose your shot to include interesting elements in the foreground, midground, and background for added depth and visual interest. This could be people walking, trees swaying, clouds drifting by, etc.

  • Use leading lines or curves. Position the camera so any lines or curves in the scene lead the viewer's eye through the frame. Roads, paths, rail tracks, rivers, etc. make great leading lines.

  • Frame for movement. Leave enough space in the composition for elements that will be moving during the time-lapse, like people, animals, vehicles, the sun, etc.

  • Pick an interesting viewpoint. Shoot from down low, up high, or any other angle that captures a unique perspective.

  • Focus on a focal point. Identify a clear focal point for the viewer's eye, like a monument, landmark, or central subject. Leave extra room in front of the focal point for it to "move into" the frame.

  • Use symmetry. Symmetrical compositions with similar elements mirrored on each side can make for mesmerizing time-lapses.

  • Watch the edges. Make sure not to cut off subjects partially at the edges. Give them room to move in and out of the frame.

  • Check your angles. Tilting the camera can add interest, but avoid distorting vertical lines too much unless that's the desired effect.

  • Allow for lighting changes. If shooting sunrise or sunset, compose for the changing light. Frame buildings so the light hits them at the right time.

Camera Settings

When shooting time-lapse with an Insta360 camera, there are a few key camera settings to adjust for optimal results:

  • Shutter Speed: Use a faster shutter speed like 1/2000s to 1/4000s. This will help capture sharp, crisp images without motion blur, even in low light conditions. The faster shutter can help compensate for the longer interval between shots.

  • ISO: Lower ISO settings like 100 or 200 will produce cleaner images. As lighting changes, you may need to increase ISO, but try to keep it as low as possible.

  • Exposure Value (EV): In manual mode, lowering the EV by -0.3 to -0.7 can prevent overexposure on sunny days. In auto exposure modes, use exposure lock to maintain consistent exposure.

  • White Balance: Set white balance to match the scene, like daylight or cloudy. Avoid auto white balance which can cause color shifts over time.

  • Timelapse Interval: The interval controls the time between shots. For a smooth time-lapse, a shorter interval is better. Try intervals between 0.5 to 5 seconds. Make adjustments based on the total duration.

  • File Format: Use JPEG for smaller files or RAW for more flexibility in post processing. RAW allows you to adjust settings like white balance after the fact.

Tweaking these core camera settings will help you capture high quality time-lapse footage with smooth motion and consistent exposures using your Insta360 camera.

Using Timelapse Mode

Timelapse mode allows you to capture a series of still images over a long period of time and stitch them together into a quick video, showing the passage of time.

To activate timelapse mode on Insta360 cameras:

  • Open the camera settings and select Timelapse mode. This is often under the "Modes" section of the app.

  • You can customize the time interval between shots. Shorter intervals will create a smoother timelapse, but require more storage space. Most Insta360 cameras let you choose intervals ranging from 0.5 seconds to 60 seconds.

  • For the best results, use a tripod and avoid moving the camera during the capture. Any motion will be exaggerated in the timelapse.

  • Check your camera's battery level and available storage before starting. Timelapses over long durations may require external power.

  • Once ready, hit the shutter button to begin capture. The camera will automatically take photos at the set interval until manually stopped.

  • For timelapses longer than the camera's internal storage allows, use a microSD card to save the images.

  • After capturing, use the Insta360 app or desktop software to stitch the photos into a timelapse video that can be shared and edited.

By customizing the interval and duration of timelapses, you can create stunning videos that showcase changing lighting, traffic patterns, construction, and more over time.

Power and Storage

Having enough power and storage is crucial when shooting long timelapses with an Insta360 camera. Here are some tips:

  • Charge batteries fully before shooting. Consider having multiple batteries to swap out as needed for very long captures. Insta360's batteries can typically last 1-2 hours when recording video. Timelapses will drain less battery over time.

  • Use a portable USB power bank to continuously power the camera. This avoids worrying about battery life.

  • Make sure your microSD card has enough storage space for the full timelapse video. A 16GB card can hold about 1 hour of standard video from an Insta360 camera. Timelapses compress many hours into a short video, but still require adequate space.

  • Bring spare SD cards to swap out if needed during very long timelapse shoots.

  • Know the recording time estimate based on your camera's resolution and frame rate settings. Higher resolution and frame rate requires more storage space per hour of footage.

  • Offload footage regularly to a computer or external drive during shooting breaks to free up the SD card again.

  • Consider using a larger capacity 256GB or 512GB SD card if planning to capture 10+ hours of raw timelapse footage before offloading.

Shooting the Time-lapse

Setting up the camera properly is crucial for capturing a smooth and stable time-lapse. Here are some tips:

  • Mount the Insta360 securely on a tripod or surface that won't move. Any motion will be exaggerated in the final video. Use the included tripod mount or an accessory mount like the Invisible Selfie Stick.

  • Point the lens in the desired direction. Frame your shot and adjust the angle if needed.

  • If outdoors, consider potential changes in lighting over the course of the time-lapse. Position the camera to avoid shooting directly into the sun when it will be rising or setting during the shoot.

  • Connect to the camera's Wifi network from your phone and open the Insta360 app. Select Timelapse mode in the app and adjust settings like interval time and duration.

  • Press the shutter button on the camera or in the app to begin capturing. The camera will automatically take photos at the selected intervals.

  • Let the time-lapse run for the set duration. You can monitor progress in the app. For long captures, consider connecting a power bank to avoid draining the battery.

  • When finished, press the shutter button again to stop the time-lapse. The individual frames will be automatically compiled into a video, ready for sharing or editing.

If you're looking for an adaptable and versatile camera that can handle both 360 and traditional flat time-lapses, the Insta360 ONE RS Twin Edition is an excellent choice. This model features dual lens mods that allow for quick switching between 360-degree and 4K wide-angle shots. The modular design enhances flexibility, making it ideal for capturing dynamic time-lapses in various conditions and setups. Whether you're documenting urban scenes or natural landscapes, the ONE RS Twin Edition offers high-resolution output, robust stabilization, and the convenience of real-time connectivity to your mobile device for enhanced control and monitoring during the shoot.

Editing and Exporting

After capturing your time-lapse with the Insta360 camera, it's time to edit and export the footage into a video. The Insta360 app makes editing time-lapses easy.

First, connect your Insta360 camera to your phone or tablet and open the Insta360 app. Import your time-lapse footage.

In the app, tap on your time-lapse clip to enter editing mode. Here you can make adjustments to optimize the time-lapse. Tap the "Edit" button to access editing options.

Trim the start and end points if needed to get rid of any unwanted footage. Adjust the speed to condense or expand the time range. For example, you can speed up a sunset time-lapse by increasing the speed.

The app also includes options to adjust color, apply filters, add music and more. Get creative and customize the look and feel of your time-lapse.

Once you finish editing, tap "Export" to render and save the time-lapse video. You can choose the resolution and aspect ratio. 16:9 works well for most uses. Select a 4K resolution if you want high quality.

The edited time-lapse video will be saved to your camera roll. You can now easily share it on social media or use it in other projects.

The Insta360 app makes it easy to turn your time-lapse footage into compelling videos with just a few taps. With a bit of practice, you'll be editing pro-level time-lapses in no time.

Advanced Techniques

Insta360 cameras have powerful capabilities for capturing motion time-lapses and hyperlapses due to their 360-degree lens and built-in stabilization. Here are some tips for capturing stunning moving time-lapses:

Motion Time-Lapses

  • Mount the camera on a moving object like a car or bike to capture a time-lapse while in motion. This creates an immersive effect as the background blurs by.

  • Walk while filming for a smoother motion time-lapse than from a vehicle. Move slowly and steadily.

  • For hyperlapses, move longer distances by walking, driving, etc. Then speed up the footage to condense time and distance.

  • Use a gimbal or stabilizer to minimize vibrations and jerky footage during motion.

  • Try motion time-lapses during golden hour for beautiful lighting effects.

Camera Movements

  • Tilt the camera up or down during the time-lapse to add camera movement. Do this slowly and smoothly.

  • Rotate the camera horizontally on its axis for dynamic rotational motion effects.

  • Slide the camera from side to side or in toward/away from the subject. Use a slider for smooth, controlled movements.

  • Combine different movements like sliding left/right while tilting up/down for multi-axis motion time-lapses.

  • Minimize other motion of the camera besides the intentional movements for best results.


Time-lapse photography with Insta360 cameras can produce stunning results once you learn some key techniques. By choosing the right camera model for your needs, carefully composing and stabilizing your shot, dialing in the optimal settings, and managing power and storage, you'll be ready to capture mesmerizing time-lapses.

When editing your footage, use the dedicated time-lapse mode in the Insta360 app to refine the final clip. Experiment with advanced techniques like hyperlapses, motion time-lapses, and bulb ramping to take your time-lapses to the next level. With practice and creativity, Insta360 cameras give you an easy tool to make professional-looking time-lapse videos that will wow any viewer.

The key is taking the time to set up the perfect shot and learning how to use your camera's capabilities fully. Patience and persistence will pay off with eye-catching, smooth footage that condenses time into a stunning work of art. Time-lapses are a great way to develop new photographic skills while seeing the world around you from a unique perspective.